Monday, March 8, 2010

Hateration? Or Reaction to Wack Speech???

So Sam Jackson was caught giving this face after Mo’Nique’s acceptance speech for her Best Supporting Actress Academy Award last night…… Tweets were tweeting about Sam hating on Mo’Nique and I guess that’s somewhat of a killer side-eye but I think he was just reacting to how lame her speech was.  I mean congrats and all that but she did bring a certain ghetto-ness to the awards thanking bum ass BET…. Maybe Sam’s face was like a “thank goodness she used her inside voice” type of look…. Or a “now that heifer know she wrong for STILL not shaving them legs” kinda look….. Or maybe he just thinks it was a crock of shit that she won. Whatever the meaning behind the face, I say this, Thank you Sam Jackson for my new BITCH PLEASE PIC….

1 comment:

  1. for sure they caught him but sam jackson is da realest, i was dyin when i seen him do that.
